Window Cleaners
“The ten days we were on strike were so beautiful and I’ll never forget the unity for the rest of my life. From my fellow window cleaners to people on the street honking horns and pumping their fists, the solidarity we experienced is something I’ll treasure forever. I’m so proud we stuck together and won our apprenticeship program and obtained fair raises.”
Current Contract:
Window Cleaners Contract 2021-2024
Additional Handouts:
These handouts contain different benefits we’ve won in our Security contract. If you have any questions on specific policies, please reach out to your Steward or Organizer. If you are a member and aren’t sure who they are, please call your Member Resource Center at 1-855-265-6225.
Health Insurance Open Enrollment Forms:
Window Cleaner Cover Letters:
Window Cleaner Enrollment Forms:
SEIU Local 26 Window Cleaners Timeline
2010: 4 window cleaners died in just a few years, making MN window cleaning one of the most dangerous occupations in the country, including union member Fidel Sanchez. Window cleaners proposed new safety standards in the contract, which the company’s rejected, resulting in a lock out/strike for two weeks. Window cleaners stayed unified, and engaged in civil disobedience arrests at Gavidea commons food court. At the end the window cleaners won all the safety standards they proposed, and $3 raises, family healthcare, and protected their pension. Today journeymen make over $25/hour.
2021: A 10 day strike ended in a breakthrough contract that not only had a 12% raise (getting journey workers on high pay to over $30.00/hr by the end of the contract), and sick pay, but most importantly won a fund of $.50-$1.00 per hour towards a new apprenticeship designed by window cleaners to improve safety in our industry. Learn more here:
2023: Minneapolis requires safety training for window washers after years-long fight by union members.